WordPress plugin: Editorial Calendar

What a lifesaver….Just read a blog post from Niel at WpDude describing the benefits of installing a plugin called WordPress Editorial Calendar. Usually I have post-it notes all over my desk with exerts of blog post ideas I want to follow up with. It does get a bit untidy and of course some ideas do get lost in the shuffle.

I have installed this plugin and I am amazed at how easy and convenient it is. The WordPress editorial calendar allows you to setup a schedule of posts to publish or write in the future.  It also allows you to create a schedule of posts that are in outline or draft that you intend to write at a later date.


  1. See all of your posts and when they’ll be posted.
  2. Drag and drop to change your post dates.
  3. Quickedit post titles, contents, and times.
  4. Publish posts or manage drafts.
  5. Easily see the status of your posts.
  6. Manage posts from multiple authors.

The plugin also comes with a video to show you how to use it. You can download it here

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