Publish Ebook through Amazon or On My Own? publish

How do I publish my ebook? Should I go through Amazon or do it on my own?”

The answer is “both.” You want to have your content available in as many formats as you can because you want to provide as many readers as you can with the format they prefer.

You can create a PDF version of your MS Word document and either sell it from your website or give it to members of one of your programs. A PDF version of your book is also a great tool to give as an advanced review copy to people who would like to give your book a review or endorsement.

There are many places where you can publish your book online, including Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo. You’ll also want to have your eBook formatted for Kindle and publish it to Amazon. Amazon has the highest traffic flow and sells more books of all online book stores. In today’s market, that’s where the action is happening for authors.

As an author on Amazon, you receive a page on Amazon called Author’s Central. There you’ll find about 12 or so different ways that you can promote your message, share about yourself and your book, and connect with you audience in written, and video formats. Your Amazon Author’s Central page gives you a lot of exposure.

Having your eBook published in multiple formats is most beneficial.

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