• Plain text 
  • Don’t use headers, footers, page numbers, bullets or special fonts.
  • Use page breaks instead of hard returns.
  • Start chapters on a new page.
  • Make your links clickable, by manually adding hyperlinks.
  • Update your TOC before your final save.
  • Save book as both .doc and .html (Web Page, Filtered)

Word files which contain complex formatting (e.g. tables, text sidebars and insets) are not recognized by Kindle file format,so avoid using these. Rather type out the information in text format or create the table as an image.

Don’t change the margin lengths in your book as Kindle content is re-flowable and can be viewed with different font sizes (page numbers and font sizes do not apply). Kindle readers offer the ability to change text size, fonts and portrait or landscape views. Use a plain text like Romans 12.

Do not use carriage return to  insert blank lines of text to create empty pages. Always use the “Page Break” feature of Word at the end of your chapters for a smoother transition and better reading experience. If you keep pressing “enter” to reach the next page, the result may be a whole lot of blank pages on a small screen like, for example, a smartphone. Kindle format is one long page so if you press enter to create a new page, all you are doing is pushing the text further down the page.

Insert your images directly into your documents rather than copying and pasting

Remove hard returns as much as possible. Use “styles” so paragraphs automatically have spaces between them when you press enter.

Insert page breaks at the end of chapters.

Keep writing and getting your message out to those who are waiting to hear what you have to say! I am available to help format your book if you feel over-whelmed or just do not want to format your book yourself. Contact me