November 2010 archive

Did You Know Twitter now has a Newspaper?

I just found Twitter’s Daily Newspaper. is a new site that’s allows you to create a daily online newspaper composed of Tweets that include links from either selected people you follow or list on Twitter or for a particular #hashtag search.

It’s free to use and can be setup in just a few minutes.

At your option, your daily page can be promoted via Tweets automatically and people can subscribe to get an email notification when your new issue is available.

Ultimately what you get is something along the lines of a magazine or newspaper that’s created just for you and is updated regularly. It has about 18 different categories to choose from to create a page just for your business or interests.

Since it can be difficult to follow all your favorite writers on Twitter itself or even using an app like Hootsuite, seems like a great idea.

I am following Social Media Confidential by Bill Hibbler.His focus is on Social Media.

Let me know what you think about Will you set up your own page on